Eka Prasetya

When is an Actuarial Certificate not required?

By Eka Prasetya / October 18, 2023 / 0 Comments

The concept of when an Actuarial Certificate is not required might seem simple and obvious however just like most things in the SMSF industry there are a lot of “ifs” or “buts” that apply. Let us breakdown the most common circumstances of when an Actuarial Certificate is not required, including those ones that catch quite […]

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Cheat Sheet for Winding Up an SMSF

By Eka Prasetya / September 22, 2023 / 0 Comments

Trust Deed & Meeting with Trustees Read trust deed to see if there is information about winding up the SMSF Hold a meeting with Trustees to ensure they all agree on winding up the SMSF Document decision in meeting minutes Have Trustees sign the agreement to wind up SMSF Disposal of Assets Consider liquidity of […]

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Can I claim ECPI after the death of a pension member?

By Eka Prasetya / September 13, 2023 / 0 Comments

William Q: I have a two member SMSF whereby one of the members is receiving a non-reversionary retirement phase income stream. On 20 September 2022, the member receiving the retirement phase income stream passed away however their death benefits were not paid out of the fund until 1 May 2023. Can the Fund still claim […]

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What is the Bring-Forward Arrangement and how does it work?

By Eka Prasetya / August 31, 2023 / 0 Comments

Are you looking for a way to add a large sum of money into your SMSF without any tax implications? Well, taking advantage of the Bring-Forward Arrangement might be your golden ticket.   To understand how the Bring-Forward Arrangement works, you firstly need to understand what a non-concessional contribution is and how the non-concessional contribution […]

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Why is everyone talking about Non-Arm’s Length Expenses?

By Eka Prasetya / July 27, 2023 / 0 Comments

There has been a lot of chatter about non-arm’s length expenses in the industry lately and sometimes it is hard to keep up with it all, so let us summarise it all up for you as simply as we can.   Firstly, what you need to know is that back in the 2017/18 Federal Budget […]

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Cheat Sheet for 2023/24 Super Rates & Thresholds

By Eka Prasetya / July 21, 2023 / 0 Comments

Print this cheat sheet out and leave it on your desk. Your future self will thank you! Rebecca Oakes B.Bus, Adv Dip FP, SSA Head of Technical Services 1800 230 737 | rebecca@act2.com.au DOWNLOAD THE PDF Disclaimer The information in this document is provided by Act2 Solutions Pty Limited ABN (Act2 Solutions). It is factual […]

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Stepping out of your comfort zone. How to maximise your networking skills

By Eka Prasetya / July 6, 2023 / 0 Comments

In the following recording, Helen Molloy, General Manager at Act2 Solutions, and Dr. Balkrushna Potdar, Lecturer at the University of Tasmania teamed up to deliver an exciting webinar titled “Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone. How to maximise Your Networking Skills.”

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The Beginners Guide to Actuarial Certificates

By Eka Prasetya / July 4, 2023 / 0 Comments

Are you confused about what an actuarial certificate is and how it is calculated? Let us skip the technical lingo and break it down for you as simply as we can!   Before we dive in, and to save you the headache, we have included a glossary at the end of this article of any […]

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February 2023 | Impact of failing the pension standards – Q&A podcast

By Eka Prasetya / March 27, 2023 / 0 Comments

Following our most recent Live Webinar, we recorded this live Q&A with Aaron Dunn, Smarter SMSF on the impacts of failing the pension standards.

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